Choking truth

My mom choked on a pill this evening. I think I caused it. I asked her if she was ready for dinner and she answered with the pill and a mouthful of water in her mouth. And then it happened. For three minutes after that she was out of sorts. She coughed continuously and couldn’t breathe. I watched her struggle and gasp for breath. I was not sure if she needed me to help. When I ventured to pat her back, she pushed me away. She drew a short breath before I panicked. Her eyes were watering, her face reddened. I gave her a sip of water and spoke to her in a calm voice. She collected herself within minutes and was her usual self again.

I reflected on what could have been when the episode subsided. What if she had collapsed tonight? I am ashamed of the next question that popped up. What if the inevitable had happened ….just when the exams were about to begin at school. My mom laughed at the question when I confessed to her later.

My faith in moms was renewed. I hope I will live to love and forgive my daughter for slights like those when I grow old.

I love you ma.

I am Buddha

No. It is not any proclamation for fame. I have begun reading a book
on spirituality this morning. If you had told me a month back that I
will be reading books on spirituality soon, I would have brushed it
aside as an impossibility. But what was to be, is. I am reading
Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” and I have made a realization
within few minutes of beginning the book- I experience many bouts of ‘
no mind ‘ states through the day. That according to Tolle is a sure
shot way to be close to the Being.

I vow to be awakened to my thoughts and emotions from now.

Therefore, I am Buddha – the awakened one. Now you know.